Making music together in an orchestra
For Kids, teenager and adults
Following our leitmotiv: “Listening to music is joyful, making music yourself is even better!” we offer a home für everyone, who is already capable of playing a wind- or a percussion instrument and is interested in making music together. It does not matter whether you just mastered it or are playing it for 20 years already, we welcome every musician in our ranks. Together with our new conductor Marc Rehlinger, who leads us musically since September 2023, we offer a varied program for every taste of music. Not only do we practice this program, but we also carry it into the world by playing numerous gigs in Wellen and the nearer area. We especially value the community within the orchestra.
You are interested in making music together? We kindly invite you to our weekly rehearsals, which take place every
Friday evening starting from 20.00 p.m. in the Community Center Wellen
Your are also kindly invited to contact us for further information.